Safed Mirch (Pisi)


A super spice with wondrous benefits that comes from the same shrub as black pepper. From helping in digestive problems, dental issues and weight loss to curing minor headaches, a decongestant used in cold and cough it has some amazing health benefits that its sister spice does not offer.

Prominent in European dishes like, Sauces, Mayonnaise, Cream based soups and pies. White pepper is widely used in Indian, Asian and Mexican cuisines as well.

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A super spice with wonderous benefits that comes from the same shrub as black pepper. From helping in digestive problems, dental issues and weight loss to curing minor headaches, a decongestant used in cold and cough it has some amazing health benefits that it’s sister spice does not offer.

Prominent in European dishes like, Sauces, Mayonnaise, Cream based soups and pies. White pepper is widely used in Indian, Asian and Mexican cuisines as well.